Boundaries Are Your Protective Actions
Stalking is a Form of Intimate Partner Emotional Abuse
Any Criticism About Your Body is BODY-SHAMING
Abusers Intimidate by Guilt-Tripping
Stonewalling: A Cruel Form of Emotional & Psychological Abuse
Isolation is an Insidious Form of Control
There is No Place in a Healthy Relationship for Overprotection
Gaslighting is Emotionally & Psychologically Abusive
This insidious form of manipulation results in a less certain recipient. The victim comes to question their memory, their perception, their intuition, and their reality. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and lack of motivation. Over extended periods of time, the victim comes to lean on the perpetrator for grounding in truth; but in reality, the perpetrator’s “truth” is a false narrative that is also damaging.
Emotional Abuse = Emotional Violence
Emotional Abuse is an act of violence. Appropriately naming abuse is required in order to become free from it.
Breaking Cycles of Emotional Abuse
Why Does Emotional Abuse Make Me So Tired?
The “Flop” trauma response is involuntary and extremely common. Let’s talk about it.
My Husband Cheated & I Lost My Sex Drive
When It’s Too Toxic to Stay, But Not Bad Enough to Leave Your Abusive Marriage
How To Identify Emotional Abuse in Your Marriage
Abuse is always about power and control.
How Can I Feel Confident After Emotional Abuse?
I believe in you. I believe in your body and mind’s ability to heal. You CAN heal and thrive after emotional abuse. You CAN gain your confidence back, or grow confidence if it was never taught to you. ❤️
Why is My Husband So Nice to Everyone But Me?
Why is he nice to everyone but me?
Why Don’t Abuse Victims “Just Leave”?
Many victims of abuse don’t realize they’re being abused, or aren’t allowed to grasp the severity of their situation. So why would they leave?
The Truth About Coercive Control
Coercive control behaviors manipulate, threaten, intimidate, control, and ultimately strip away the personal freedoms and confidence of a victim.
“I’m a Second-class Citizen in My Own Home - Is This Abuse?”
Using Male Privilege IS Domestic Violence
The Truth About Walking on Eggshells
When we understand how deeply exploitative it is to require a family to walk on eggshells, it’s pretty clear that it’s abuse.