“I’m a Second-class Citizen in My Own Home - Is This Abuse?”

When your spouse or partner treats you “less than,” it can be easy to internalize the treatment. But it’s essential to understand that this treatment is abuse.

Male Privilege is Domestic Violence

One of the spokes of The Duluth Power and Control Wheel (www.theduluthmodel.org) includes “Using Male Privilege,” defined as:

  • Treating her like a servant

  • Making all the big decisions

  • Acting like the “master of the castle”

  • Being the one to define men’s and women’s roles

While I absolutely understand that domestic violence is a global issue, affecting all genders, ages, races, etc., it’s important to understand that male entitlement, or male privilege, drives domestic violence in gendered violence against women.

Using Male Privilege IS Domestic Violence

Misogyny, Benevolent Patriarchy, and the harmful effects on victims are important

When it’s simply assumed that you, as the woman, are primarily responsible for caretaking (this includes physical, emotional, domestic, and sexual caretaking), domestic violence is happening

Recognizing misogyny, benevolent patriarchy (raising you up on a pedestal but still expecting you to caretake), and the subsequent harmful effects on victims and families is really important. It helps you to establish that no matter how normalized male privilege is in families, church cultures, and various traditions across the globe, it simply isn’t okay.

Support is crucial in your healing journey. Please seek support right away. Your local domestic violence organization may be a helpful place to start. As always, one-on-one coaching sessions and our free support group are available for you.


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